Results (most recent listed first)

Franklin Monroe 58 Houston 33

Skylar Bowman had 9 points.

Botkins 67 Houston 34

Reagan Steiner had 6 pts. Anthony Pollock had 6 points.

Mississinawa Valley 46 Houston 37

Skylar Bowman had 12 points.

Riverside 56 Houston 51

Skylar Bowman had 16 points. Jeff Leist had 15 points.

Russia 69 Houston 37

Davis Burks had 10 points.

Jackson Center 61 Houston 35

Davis Burks had 18 points.

Houston 53 Ansonia 39

Anthony Pollock had 10 points.

Anna 66 Houston 45

Skylar Bowman had 11 points. Jeff Leist had 11 points.

Houston 52 Fairlawn 50

Skylar Bowman had 19 points. Jeff Leist had 8 points.

Lehman Catholic 42 Houston 38

Skylar Bowman had 11 points. and Luke Crim had 11 points.

Fort Loramie 46 Houston 34

New Knoxville 57 Houston 39

Joe Mohler had 11 points and Skylar Bowman had 10 points.

Botkins 58 Houston 27

Jeff Leist had 8 points and Skylar Bowman had 6 points.

Houston 62 Covington 56 (Covington Holiday Tournament)

Jeff Leist had 21 points and 11 rebounds. Davis Burks had 16 points. Anthony Pollock had 10 points.

Houston 59 Arcanum 55 (Covington Holiday Tournament)

Skylar Bowman had 20 points. Jeff Leist had 12 points.

Minster 59 Houston 42

Davis Burks had 19 points. Jeff Leist had 9 points.

Russia 67 Houston 18

Joe Mohler had 7 points.

Jackson Center 36 Houston 11

Jeff Leist had 4 points.

Houston 41 Newton 25

Skylar Bowman had 14 points.

Anna 61 Houston 23

Jeff Leist had 6 points. Luke Crim had 5 points.

Fort Loramie 33 Houston 31

Skylar Bowman had 9 points. Luke Crim, Davis Burks, and Anthony Pollock had 6 points each.

Fairlawn 46 Houston 43

Davis Burks had 14 points. Anthony Pollock had 10 points.


11/9/202410:45 AMHNew Bremen (Scrimmage)
11/14/20245:30 PMHCelina (Scrimmage)
11/19/20245:30 PMHWaynesfield Goshen (Scrimmage)
11/22/20245:00 PMAGreenville (Scrimmage)
11/29/20246:00 PMHFort LoramieRescheduled to 12-7-24
12/6/20246:00 PMAFairlawnL 46-43
12/7/20245:00 PMHFort LoramieL 33-31
12/13/20246:00 PMHAnnaL 61-23
12/14/2024JV 4:30 PM
Varsity 7:30 PM
HNewton (Wall of Honor)W 41-25
12/17/20246:00 PMAJackson CenterL 36-11
12/20/20246:00 PMHRussiaL 67-18
12/21/20244:00 PMHMinster (Recognition of 1990 and 1999 District Championship Teams)L 59-42
12/27/2024JV 11:30 AM
Varsity 4:30 PM
AArcanum (at Covington Holiday Tournament)W 59-55
12/28/2024JV 11:30 AM
Varsity 7:30 PM
ACovington (at Covington Holiday Tournament)W 62-56
1/3/20256:00 PMABotkinsL 58-27
1/4/20256:00 PMANew KnoxvilleL 57-39
1/10/2025JV 4:30 PM
Varsity 6:00 PM
AFort LoramieL 46-34
1/14/20256:00 PMALehman CatholicL 42-38
1/17/20256:30 PMHFairlawn (Homecoming)52-50
1/24/20256:00 PMAAnnaL 66-45
12/25/20256:00 PMAAnsoniaW 53-39
1/28/20256:00 PMHJackson Center (Elementary High Achiever's Night)L 61-35
1/31/20256:00 PMARussiaL 69-37
2/8/20256:00 PMARiversideL 56-51
2/11/20256:00 PMHMississinawa Valley (Elementary Cheer)L 46-37
2/14/20256:00 PMHBotkins (Senior Night)L 67-34
2/15/20255:00 PMAFranklin MonroeL 58-33
2/20/20256:00 PMAFort Recovery (Sectional Tournament at Troy)