Band Award Winners 2021-22

Band Award Winners Congratulations to last night’s band and chorus award winners that were recognized at the 2022 Spring Concert. Lauren Stangel received the John Philip Souza Award and Cole Crim received the Band Booster scholarship. Receiving most outstanding awards were Jazz band member Bryce Sauvie, chorus member Hailey Nill, senior Megan Maier, junior Katelynn…

Sealed Bids for Projector Screen

Used 12 Foot Projector Screen The Hardin-Houston Local School District is accepting sealed bids via envelope or email for our used twelve foot projector screen. The screen will be sold as is. All sealed bids and inquiries should be sent to Ryan Maier, Hardin-Houston superintendent at by Thursday, April 14th at noon.

IDEA Part B Meeting

IDEA Part B Meeting Hardin-Houston Schools receive federal Special Education IDEA Part B funds to assist with the education of handicapped children ages 3 through 21. Community members who would like to have input into the planning of the use of the federal IDEA funds are welcome to provide comment during our public hearing to…