FFA National Convention
The Houston FFA Chapter had a successful trip to the National Convention. Below are some of the highlights.
Wednesday October 26th
Several of our students got to tour Quiet Harmony Ranch and Hunter’s Honey Farm while the team of Addy Frohne, Anna Henry, Malina Chappie, and Makayla Burch competed in The National Agricultural Communications CDE contest receiving a silver ranking.

Thursday October 27th, 2022
We were up bright and early for first general session at 8 am! Then the rest of our day we got some serious stage time!
In the second general session, we recognized Ava Knouff for being top 4 in the Nation for her Proficiency area! We then were recognized as a 3 star charter in the Nation. This is an honor only the top 3 percent of chapters in the nation receive!
We were also recognized as a Model of Excellence Chapter that only 10 chapters in the nation receive!

Friday October 28th, 2022
Elijah Beaver and Alex Kellersmith were recognized for being top 4 in the nation for their proficiencies.