Homecoming 2023-24
The Student Council would like to present this year’s Homecoming Court! The Crown Bearers are second graders Easton Wones and Rochelle Graham. Houston’s freshman attendants are Grant Cole and Kaia Kellersmith. Sophomore attendants are Hudson Price and Jaeden Spencer. Junior attendants are Paul Samera and Addie Mowery. Houston’s Queen candidates include Ella Crim, Katie Maier, and Kayla Winner. King candidates include Gabe Dershem, Ethan Dienhart, and Rusty Vondenhuevel.
On Friday January 26th, the 2023-24 Homecoming Show will take place in the high school gym at 6:00 PM before the Junior Varsity and Varsity basketball boys take on Anna.
The court will preside over the Homecoming Dance on Saturday January 27th from 8:00-11:00 PM. This year’s homecoming theme is “Winter Wonderland” and the DJ is T&A Entertainment. Tickets for the dance will go on sale on Tuesday January 16th. Tickets are $7.00 each and can be purchased in the office from Mrs. Merickel. Students must purchase tickets at school no later than Friday January 26th at lunch, as there will be no tickets sold at the door. Students wishing to bring a date from another school must complete a guest form which is available in the office. Guest forms are due by Tuesday January 23rd.
Queen Candidates

King Candidates