Houston High School and Junior High Students of the Month

Earlier this school year, Houston Staff discussed with students five areas that they should take pride in. Those five areas are academics, extra-curricular activities, facilities, self, and field trips/assemblies. Starting with February, Houston staff will nominate and select Students of the Month that show pride in these areas.

February 2024

The students of the month for February are Malaiya Gross, Cadence DeLong,  Gabriella Harding, and Teagan Rauch.

Read below to find out why each student was nominated and selected as Student of the Month in their nominator’s own words.

Malaiya Gross – nominated by Mrs. Sherman – Extra-curricular pride

This nomination is for a student who shows pride in their extracurricular activities. In all of this student’s extracurricular activities, they strive to be their best. Even when missing practices or being late, they ask what they missed and if there is anything they need to do. This student has taken on leadership roles within shows. They are a dedicated individual and are reliable which has allowed them to have key roles in the plays this year and in the past. This student is always willing to step up and do whatever needs to be done; they do not have to be bribed or even asked to help, they just do it. She helps make Spanish Circle events run smoother and makes Senora Chappie’s job easier. This student has strived to improve themselves each year in public speaking and because of her perseverance and dedication, she is now state bound for FFA extemporaneous public speaking. Your student of the month for Extracurricular pride is Miss Malaiya Gross! 

Cadence DeLong – nominated by Mr. Judy – Facilities pride

It is my pleasure to nominate this student for Student of the Month. This student has shown pride in our facilities time and time again. During the 24-25 basketball season this student stayed after every home basketball game to help clean up the student section and then help clean the home side bleachers, often staying well after all other students and fans had left the gym. She set an excellent example for what it looks like to take pride in our school facilities.

Gabriella Harding – nominated by Mr. Hausfeld – Academic pride

Why I nominated:

  • Dedicated to individual excellence with regards to understanding the material and not just their grade
  • Shows curiosity about alternatives paths in math
  • They help their partners more often than any other student I have. This is also never just surface-level help trying to get them through the problem. This student will take the time to make sure their partner truly understands the material
  • Sometimes, this student has the opportunity to complete their homework in class, but often chooses to spend the time helping instead

Other teachers added:

  • Meticulous attention to detail.
  • Best effort every time no matter the assignment
  • Offers great insight during class discussions and helps her classmates understand the content during group discussions
  • Reliable effort and timeliness on all their assignments
  • Ability to personalize the information learned in order to apply it in a way that makes sense to them (Not just trying to memorize)
  • Has a goal of being able to utilize the Spanish vocabulary to actually communicate, not just memorize

Teagan Rauch – nominated by Mrs. Mertz- Academic/self pride

I am honored to nominate this student for Student of the Month. Focusing on academic pride, this particular student exemplifies the qualities of a dedicated and hardworking student, consistently striving for personal excellence in the aspects of personal academic growth and achievement.

This student demonstrates perseverance when faced with challenges, never giving up, but instead seeking solutions and pushing forward with determination. Their attention to detail is evident in every assignment, ensuring accuracy and thoroughness. They not only correct every assignment to learn from mistakes but also take the initiative to ask for help during class and Wildcat time to clarify misunderstandings.
Beyond personal academic growth, this student is willing to help others in my class. Their active class participation reflects their curiosity and eagerness to learn, while their genuine care for grades and improvement showcases a strong commitment to academic success. Even when faced with difficult tasks, they are willing to try something hard and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.

When asked about this student, other teachers wrote, “This student is someone who always ensures they are doing their best academic work. They go above and beyond AND ask questions when they are unsure. This student takes pride in their academics, and this is something that I really appreciate about them”. Another teacher added, “This student is someone who continually strives toward improvement and success. He/she asks questions, is a strong participant, and helps others. They display academic pride by exercising extreme dedication to learning and playing their best every day in band without complaint”. Another teacher provided an example of this student’s commitment to academic excellence stating they submitted a perfect essay complete with grammar / mechanics / sentence structure, punctuation, and citation! Awesome Job! Finally, this student is also described as being very conscientious and diligent. They are someone who smiles, has a sense of humor, and picks themselves up when things do not go their way instead of lowering their head or quitting.

It is for these reasons; I wholeheartedly nominate this student for this well-deserved recognition. Their dedication and positive attitude make them an outstanding academic role model for their peers.

If you still need another hint about who this junior high student may be, they excelled at the Power of the Pen and also play three different instruments, one of which she studies with an instructor.

Congratulations goes to Teagan Rauch, February Student of the Month!