Thank You Destination Imagination Sponsors

Thank You Destination Imagination Sponsors! Thank you to all the wonderful sponsors that made it possible for the Destination Imagination Team to have the fantastic opportunity of experiencing Globals in Kansas City! Your generosity allowed our students to have a once in a lifetime experience where the 6th grade team finished 25th and the 5th…

Job Openings

Job Openings Full Time Custodian Position The Hardin-Houston School District is accepting applications for a full-time flex custodian position with an expected start date of June 1st, 2024.  This position includes a competitive salary compensation package with family health insurance.  Please send applications or inquiries to Ryan Maier, Hardin-Houston superintendent at Floating Aide/Substitute Hardin-Houston Local…

Spring Sports Awards Program 2024

Spring Sports Awards Program Houston High School held the Spring Sports Awards Program on Thursday, May 16th. Baseball award winners were Ethan Dienhart with the Best Offensive Player Award, Rusty Vondhenhuevel with the Best Defensive Player Award, and Lucas Mohler with the Wildcat Award. Softball award winners were Katie Maier with the Best Offensive Player…

Teacher Awards 2023-24

Teacher Awards Congratulations to Deanna Chappie and Gwen Shoemaker for receiving the Houston JH/HS Golden Teacher Award and the Elementary Golden Teacher Award respectively for the 2023-24 school year. Congratulations and happy retirement to Gwen Shoemaker, Larry Colby, and Deputy Bill Booth. Mrs. Shoemaker taught elementary for Hardin-Houston Local School for 33 years. Mr. Colby…

Congratulations Spring Athletes All SCAL 2023-24

Congratulations Spring Athletes All SCAL Several Houston athletes earned all league recognition this spring. In softball, Katie Maier received 1st Team All SCAL and Makenna Vondenhuevel received 2nd Team All SCAL. In baseball, Luke Crim, Ethan Dienhart, AJ Edwards, and Rusty Vondenhuevel all received Honorable Mention All SCAL. In girls track, Emilee Earl received 1st…