
Message From the Superintendent
I hope this message finds you well as we get ready for the start of the 2024-2025 school year. As usual, our outstanding maintenance staff has been busy deep cleaning the entire building and once again has it and the campus looking like new. One major project that occurred over the summer was the asphalt remediation of approximately 30% of our surfaces on campus. The entire back bus lot, athletic access, and the main entrance to the property were repaved. Additional curbing and drainage was installed adjacent to the softball parking lot to eliminate issues that were present in this area. The district also purchased and received three new school buses over the summer. We were fortunate to access grant dollars to pay for this needed expense with the ever increasing cost of a bus being close to $140,000. Lastly, the school district capitalized on the county’s upgraded communication system. This improvement allowed the district to purchase bus radios for the entire fleet, permitting immediate communication with our bus drivers increasing safety for our H-H students.
As a district we are also pleased to announce that school supplies, excluding book bags and headphones, will be provided this school year. Please wait to purchase these headphones until you have talked to your child’s teacher at open house, especially at the elementary grade levels. This change should alleviate stress and minimize the costs for parents at the beginning of the school year. On a final note, the school district will be reviewing and completing our five-year strategic plan this fall. This kick-off meeting will occur on Thursday, November 21st from 6:00-7:30 PM in the Commons. We encourage all community members to take part in this important process.
If you have any questions or concerns throughout the school year, I can be reached at or at 295-3010 ext. 3001. The district will continue to use our school website to communicate with our community, in addition to our two X accounts @hhlocalschool and @HHWildcats. I am looking forward to a great school year and hope you are as well. As always- GO WILDCATS!
Yours in education,
Ryan Maier
Hardin-Houston Local School Superintendent
District Goals for the 2024-25 School Year
- Provide a safe and secure environment for students, staff and community members.
- Achieve the highest ratings on the state report card.
- Optimize all building systems and fulfill the 5-year strategic plan.
- Maintain fiscal responsibility and analyze student enrollment of the district.
- Continue the implementation process for a 1 to 1 technology initiative.
2023-24 Bullying incidents: 2