Open House May 1

Open House Invitation Hardin-Houston Local School invites you to an Open House to honor both retiring Superintendent Mr. Larry Claypool and incoming Superintendent Mr. Ryan Maier. It will be held Wednesday, May 1st, 2019, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the School Commons. Please come and join the community in congratulating both gentlemen on…

HS Principal Hiring

Houston High School Principal The Hardin-Houston Board of Education hired Mr. Jeff Judy as the next Houston High School principal at tonight’s special board meeting.  For the past twelve years Mr. Judy has been a JH/HS social studies teacher at Tri-Village Local Schools.   Mr. Judy received his Bachelors of Science in Education from Urbana University in…

Golf Chipotle

Chipotle Night for Houston Golf Tuesday, April 23rd from 4:00 pm – 8:00pm Come out and support the Houston Golf Team next Tuesday at the Sidney Chipotle.  The team will receive 33% of the proceeds from the night and will use these funds to purchase shirts, hats, golf balls and bags.  Thank you for your…

Job Opening: 7-12 Math Teacher

Job Opening: Jr. High/High School Mathematics Teacher Interested applicants should visit and fill out the Certified/Teacher application located here or visit the Dayton Consortium website. All applications should be sent to the following address: Ryan Maier Houston High School Principal 5300 Houston Road Houston, OH 45333 Or

Houston Youth Ball Sign-Ups

Houston Youth Ball Sign-Ups For those families interested in signing up elementary students to play T-ball, softball, or baseball for this upcoming season, please look for youth ball registration forms to be that were sent home on Monday, March 4th. Please click here to view information about Lindsay’s Law. If you need an extra copy…


PTO NEWS The PTO is rolling out a new fundraiser this month! Instead of selling cookie dough this year, the PTO is sponsoring a Bowling Fundraiser. The event is for adults only and it will be held on Saturday, March 30th at 9:00 PM. Parents, if you haven’t already turned in your form (along with…