PAJHS Induction 2024-25

PAJHS Induction The Philip S. Abbot Junior Honor Society held their induction ceremony on Wednesday, December 4, 2024. The new inductees are Rylinn Bruner, Quinten DeLong, Aubrey Deppen, Maison Epley, Alex Ginn, Blake Heitman, Claire Holscher, Vera Kelly, Leigha Larger, Ava Mowery, Gemma Mummey, Lilli Niswonger, Jayden Pleiman, Makenna Slay, Teagan Rauch, Jaycie Seipel, and…

Scholastic Book Fair 2024-25

Scholastic Book Fair Hardin-Houston Local School will hold our scholastic book fair from December 2-6 during school hours. Family night is Tuesday December 3rd from 3:00-6:00 PM. The Scholastic Book Fair is a reading event that brings the books kids want to read right into our school. It’s a wonderful selection of engaging and affordable…

Athletic Patrons 2024-25

Athletic Patrons The Athletic Department is seeking Athletic Patrons for the Winter Sports Program. The monetary donation to become a Patron is only $10. All revenue generated by our Patrons goes directly to support the athletes of Houston High School. Patron’s names will be proudly displayed in the Winter Sports Program. Show your Houston Pride…

Veterans Day Program 2024

Veterans Day Program at Hardin-Houston Local School Hardin-Houston Local School will host a program to recognize, remember, and honor our veterans on Monday, November 11th, starting at 9:15 AM. This program is not only for the students and staff of Hardin-Houston Local School, but is also open to the public. A special invitation is extended…

District Title Recognition

District Title Recognition During the 2024-25 basketball season, the athletic department will be recognizing several of our past District Title winning basketball teams that have met or surpassed their twenty-five year anniversary date. We would like to invite all members of the 1985 girls District Champion Team, the 1990 boys District Champion Team and the…