Veteran’s Day Program at Hardin-Houston Local School

Hardin-Houston School will host a program to recognize, remember, and honor our veterans on Friday, November 10th, starting at 9:00 AM. This program is not only for the students and staff of Hardin-Houston School, but also is open to the public. A special invitation is extended to local and area veterans who would like to and are able to attend.

Veterans, if you have a child or grandchild who attends Hardin-Houston School please join us for juice, coffee, and doughnuts at 8:05 AM in the Commons. All veterans who attend will be recognized during the program. In addition, the high school band will perform. We hope to see many guests in the high school gymnasium on Friday, November 10th, as we salute and thank our veterans of the United States Armed Forces.

Ryan Maier, Principal
Houston High School
937-295-3010 Ext. 2001