Meal Plan & Census Information

Hello parents, students, and community members, I hope our students are getting comfortable with the district-wide online instructional model Google Classroom. I have two items for you today. First, the district will be delivering food using our school busses to those affected students’ residence each Tuesday and Friday between 9am-12 noon for the duration of the school closure. For those students who open-enroll from Sidney, your pickup location is the Menards parking lot from 9:30-10:30AM each Tuesday and Friday. Students who open-enroll from Piqua, Russia, and Bradford, your pickup location is the Piqua Roadside Park across from the old Piqua Water Plant from 9:30-10:30AM each Tuesday and Friday. Simply come out when you hear the bus horn and please understand we will continue to practice social distancing by placing the food at least six feet away from you during the exchange. Please be sure to place a cooler outside your front door where the food can be placed in case we miss you.

The second item is to make sure you fill out your census information by the deadline of April 1st; it only takes ten minutes. You should have received it in the mail recently. The website is Federal funding for schools is just one of many critical programs that is provided given that the true population of Ohio is reported. Finally, let us know if you need help- we are here to serve all of our Hardin-Houston Wildcats!

Your Community is Counting on You